The Encore PBC Story
Rosemary Nixon
I am often asked how Encore Palm Beach County got started. I spent many years as a Financial Advisor helping people to plan for retirement. While people knew they needed to save and invest for retirement, most had no idea of what they wanted that retirement to look like. When I retired in 2010, I really had no idea what I wanted to do next. I had already done most of the things people hope to do in retirement: I had travelled extensively, played golf and tennis and bridge, wrote my memoirs, etc. But I needed something more.
I happened to read a book called “Encore” by Marc Freedman. He said something I had not read before: that 10,000 people turn 65 every day in this country and would for many years, that it was the largest generation of retirees in our history, the best educated, the healthiest, and experienced in many careers, but the biggest thing was many of us could expect to live 30 years in retirement, longer than any previous generation and, finally, many did not want a retirement of leisure like their parents and grandparents. They wanted more for their lives in retirement. In fact, many did not want to retire at all, but wanted to stay actively engaged in life, whether it was learning, work or volunteering. Wow, that was the first time I realized that there were many people like me out there!
So I became certified as a retirement coach and began working with people to plan all the non-financial aspects of retirement. Then I discovered there was a national Encore program started by Marc Freedman with a network of programs around the country. I thought we should have an Encore program here in Palm Beach County. I wrote a position paper on the needs of our County for volunteers and the need of many older persons for work, passed it around and organized a small group of interested supporters. Six years ago we became a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization offering work, volunteer, and educational opportunities to people over 50.
My vision for Encore Palm Beach County is that we become the one place people over 50 can go to find what they need to contribute to their continued engagement with life and purpose.
Our Board of Directors
Rosemary Nixon, Founder
Retirement Coach
Create Your Best Retirement
Christine Catoggio
Successful Life Transitions
Life Transitions Strategist
Tom Donahue
Keith & Associates
William Morse
Airmont Financial Services
Joni Cherbo, Ph.D.
CTI Encore Coach
David Lyons
Retired Chief Administrative Officer
iThink Financial
Karen Roberts
Chair of the Encore Advisory Council
John Dalton
CEO/Founder, Optimum RTS
Meet the Board
We are Part of a National Movement
Across this country 10,000 people turn 65 every day and many of them are moving to Palm Beach County. Many want meaning and purpose in their lives, not to fully retire from engagement in life. Encore Palm Beach County is a Founding Member of the Encore Network, a coalition of encore leaders and organizations that provides resources, visibility and connections–strengthening members’ work to turn longer lives into an asset. is spearheading efforts to engage millions of people in later life as a vital source of talent to benefit society. Its ultimate goal is to create a better future for young people and future generations. While many see our aging society as a problem, we view it as a solution. Those in and beyond midlife represent a powerful source of talent with the accumulated skills, experience and wisdom to tackle some of society’s most urgent challenges. To learn more, go to
How did Encore Palm Beach County get started? Read here…
Our Vision
Encore Palm Beach County offers mid-life adults the opportunity to use their life and work experience in new careers, paid and unpaid, to improve their communities.